New Year 2022


New Years 10% Discount Code

To celebrate the arrival of my new website in 2022 - dedicated to dice towers, I am happy to give everyone - during the month of January 2022 - a 10% discount off all orders (expect postage).

How to use the discount code

Simply add you dice tower to the basket, click checkout. On the left hand side of the screen type in the Discount Code shown above (OFFER2022).

You can use the discount code as many times as you like during the month of January 2022, you do NOT need to create / register an account.

Less Discount

After typing in the Discount Code click the APPLY COUPON button, when done correctly your discount will now be shown on the opposite side of the screen in the checkout totals. When you click Check Out you will be taken to the next stage.

NOTE: if you add other items to your basket after entering in the Discount Coupon, you will need to re-enter in your discount code, your new balance will then be automatically calculated, any issues please use the contact us form on the website, thank you.